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Showing posts from August, 2018

Macron's BLOW to NATO amid plans to 'team up' with Russia's defence

FRENCH President Emmanuel Macron has urged European states to work with Russia and construct new security architecture, in a bid to strengthen defense capabilities within the European Union. On Thursday, Mr Macron told a joint news conference in Helsinki the EU must rebuild European security architecture and "reconsider" relations with Russia, as well as pursue "strategic relations" with Turkey and other neighbouring countries. The French President said: "We discussed many issues, including trans-Atlantic ties and relations with Russia, "We want Europe to have strategic and defense autonomy to rebuild European security architecture in a broad sense, like I said several months ago in St. Petersburg, and there is the need to reconsider our relations with Russia." "This wider Europe should build its security architecture with the powers, which are on its border, and the great nations, which share history with us." Mr Macron has urged

Turkish, American Defense Chiefs Talk Over Phone

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis spoke over the phone late Aug. 27, a Defense Ministry source told state-run Anadolu Agency.  Akar and Mattis exchanged views on Turkey-U.S. defense relations, Syria, and the fight against terrorism, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media. Syria has been locked in a vicious civil war since early 2011, when the Bashar al-Assad regime cracked down on pro-democracy protests - which erupted as part of the Arab Spring uprisings - with unexpected ferocity. The phone conversation between the defense chiefs took place on the day the members of a delegation from the U.S. Congress visited Turkey and met with their Turkish Parliament counterparts. A three-member delegation headed by Congressman Michael Turner first visited the İncirlik Airbase in the southern Adana province. The delegation later met with Turkish parliamentarians and discussed the issues of

How Restrictions of USA on Turkey Impacts Pakistan's Purchase of T129 ATAK Helicopters

In light of current tensions between Ankara and Washington – which escalated to Washington ordering a stay on the delivery of F-35A Lightning II fighter aircraft to Turkey through its newly-signed 2019 National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) – observers are concerned that Pakistan’s recently-inked purchase of 30 T129 ATAK attack helicopters could be in jeopardy. [1]  The concern primarily stems from the fact that the T129’s powerplant, the Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company (LHTEC) CTS800 turboshaft engine, falls under the jurisdiction of ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulation). Exporting (be it first-party or third-party) items under ITAR require the approval of the US government. However, it must be noted that no official decision has been made to stay third-party transfer licenses of the CTS800 to Pakistan at this time. Nonetheless, this is an issue worthy of substantive consideration – it follows the fact that the US has shut a NATO ally and well-integrated co-p